Monday, July 25, 2005

Is it Monday Again?

Can you believe Jessica from Railbird
  • Railbird
  • actually gets to spend the WHOLE meet at Saratoga. The jealously is just oozing out of me...

    I actually forgot that DMTC runs today (Monday) which is a nice little feature.

    I am highly anticipating the annual return of DRF Chairman and Publisher Steven Crist’s Daily recap of events at the ‘Spa’. Entertaining AND informative; isn't that a nice little tandem..

    A great weekend for TV and Horses. I love ESPN’s work on NTRA coverage, and it was super nice to have a 2-hr. feed of TVG on FSN on Sat. My only complaint with ESPN’s coverage is that one race for an hr is a little too much time. Two pushes the limit and I think 3 really hits the number for a one-hour broadcast. Enough time for one or two features, and enough coverage of all the horses/jockeys/trainers involved in each race.

    So it’s Monday and since I am on the west coast, I have the advantage/disadvantage of catching up with my east coast compadres on horse news. So today, I thought I would list a few good stories compiled from everywhere. Hope everyone has a great start to the week….

  • Former Aussie Sets North American Record on 'Debut'

  • Racing Towards Opening Day

  • Ex-Jock Turns to Bass Fishing..

  • Brad Free’s DMTC Pix for Mon.

  • Is It the Power of Love?

    Alan Mann said...

    >>Can you believe Jessica from Railbird actually gets to spend the WHOLE meet at Saratoga. The jealously is just oozing out of me...

    It doesn't seem quite fair does it? :-|

    I'm going for opening day and Thursday though!

    Ruben Bailey said...
