Wednesday, November 01, 2006

11:24 AM

Quick Tidbits:

Mike Bataglia is looking sharp in his "power purple tie". Nice work, Mike. I wonder if he picked it out himself.

If you could have seen Bobby Frankel's expression when a waiter answered his query, "What's that" on the buffet line. Answer: French Toast Casserole. The look on Bobby's face? PRICELESS.

Lots of scuttlebut on the comings and goings of Super Frolic. Sounds like no one wants the horse. The story seems to be, Super Frolic was brought to trainer Dale Romans' barn, where Romans supposedly said, "Why are you bringing him here? I don't want him. Whereupon the Classic outsider was brought to Scott Blasi's barn. Mr. Blasi was no less surprised, but has held onto the horse, but has gotten no direction on what to do or what the horse has even been doing the past few weeks. Strange. Very strange. Maybe I'll stay away from SF on Sat.

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